Conferences, Lectures and Pannels

Conferences, Lectures and Pannels

1.Ozmen V, Ünal M, Bozfakıoğlu Y, İnce Ü: Early Breast Cancer “Update“. Haydarpaşa Nümune Hospital, Educational Meeting of Department of General Surgery , 6 March 1992, İstanbul.

2.Ozmen V, Avcı C, Oral C, Mercan S: Videoscopic laparoscopic Surgery. Taksim Hospital’s Days,
21-22 May 1992, Taksim Education Hospital, İstanbul.

3.Ozmen V, Yüney E, Alper A, Yeğinsu O: Laparoscopic surgery, Congress of Society of
Gastroenterology 25-29 May 1992, Girne, Cyprus.

4.Ozmen V: Surgical treatment of breast cancer, 1st Postgraduate Course on Breast Diseases, 2-4
December 1992 , İstanbul.

5.Ozmen V, Nichols RL: Management of secondary bacterial peritonitis, 8th Turkish Antibiotics and
Chemotherapy Congress, 22-28 May 1993, Antalya.

6.Ozmen V, Kuterdem E, Özkan K, Demirtaş T (Moderator:C Topuzlu): “Management of Septic
Shock”, 8th Regional Congress of Turkish Surgical Society Ulusal Cerrahi Derneği Bölgesel , 10-12
June 1993, ERZURUM.

7. Ozmen V: Postgraduate Course on Laparoscopic Surgery. Bursa Surgical Society, 25 June 1993,

8. Özmen V: Laparoscopic colo-rectal surgery. 5th National Congress of Colo-rectal surgery, 11-18
September 1993, Girne, Cyprus.

9.Özmen V, Bruyns J, Mercan S, Berthou JC, Avcı C, Dudai M: Laparoscopic surgery for GERD and
peptic ulcer. I.Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi 10-13 Kasım 1993, İstanbul.

10. Ozmen V: Laparoscopic peptic ulcer surgery (Chairman). 4 th European Congress o Video Surgery, 5-8 June, 1994 İstanbul.

11. Ozmen V : Laparoscopic peptic ulcer surgery. 4th European Congress of Video Surgery, 5-8 June 1994, İstanbul.

12. Ozmen V, ( Moderatör: Berkarda B): Breast conserving surgery for stage I,II breast cancer. 1st
National Breast Cancer Congress. 17-18 November 1994, İstanbul.

13. Ozmen V, Aslay I, Özkan S, Aydıner A: Psychosocial support to breast cancer patients in liason model. 3rd National Liason Psyciathry Congress. Ulusal Liyezon 2-5 November 1994, İstanbul.

14.Özmen V, İşcan M, Yeğinsu O (Moderatör:Atilla Ertan): Laparoscopic and choledoscopic approaches to choledochal stones. The Methodist Hospital and The American Hospital 10th Symposium- 30 June-1 July 1994, İstanbul

15. Kuşakçıoğlu Ö, Özmen V(Moderatör: Atilla Ertan):Prevention and screening for colo-rectal cancer. The Methodist Hospital and The American Hospital 10th Symposium. 30 June-1 July 1994, İstanbul.

16.Özmen, V, Topuzlu C, Dinçer M, Aydıner A(Moderatör:M Ünal): Breast conserving surgery in stage I,II breast cancer. XI. National Cancer Congress, 28 May- 2 June 1995, Antalya.

17.Drouard F, Ozmen V(Moderatör): Laparoscopic gastric and gastro-esophageal procedures. 2nd National Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 14-16 September 1995, İstanbul.

18. Ozmen V, Avcı C, Zorluoğlu A, İğci A( Moderatör: Kemal Alemdaroğlu ): Complication of laparoscopic surgery. XIIIth Congress of Istanbul Medical Faculty, 7-30 September Conrad Hotel, İstanbul.

19. Ozmen V, Dagoglu T, Dincer M, Aydiner A (Moderatör:Metin Unal): Surgery in patient with early breast cancer, XIIIth Congress of Istanbul Medical Faculty, 7-30 September,Conrad Hotel, İstanbul.

20.Ozmen V: Psychological approaches to the patients with breast cancer in a liason model. III.National Consultation Liason Psychatry Congress and Postgraduate Course, 2-5 November 1995, İstanbul.

21.Ozmen V: Complications of laparoscopic surgery, 100th Year University (Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi), Ist Van Medical Days, 30 May 2 June 1996, Van.

22.Ozmen V: Locally advanced breast cancer. 100th Year University (Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi), 1st Van Medical Days, 30 May 2 June 1996, Van.

23.Ozmen V : Screening, Diagnosis and Staging of Colo-rectal Cancer. 1st Postgraduate Course on Colo-rectal Cancer. 25-26 October 1996, İstanbul.

24.Ozmen V: Hormone replacement therapy and Breast Cancer. 4th Vakıf Gureba Medical Week. 2-5 December 1996, İstanbul.

25.Ozmen V, Öber A, Mandel NM(Moderatör:R Uzel): Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Cancer Foundation of Turkey, 31 January 1997, İstanbul.

26.Ozmen V, Ross M: NSABBP trials and breast cancer. 4th National Breast Cancer Congress. Ulusal Meme 5-9 March 1997, İzmir.

27.Ozmen V, Ross M: Breast conserving surgery in locally advanced breast cancer. 4th National Breast Cancer Congress. 5-9 March 1997, İzmir.

28.Ozmen V. Laparoscopic repair of hiatal hernia. 3th National Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 14-16 May 1997, İstanbul.

29.Ozmen V, Deng SQ: Laparoscopic stomach surgery(Chairmen). Joint Euro-asian Congress of Endoscopic Surgery 17-21 June 1997, İstanbul.

30. Ozmen V: Surgery in early breast cancer. 1st National Consensus Conference on Breast Cancer, 100th Anniversary of Gülhane Military Medical Academy. 3-4 May 1998, Ankara.

31.Ozmen V: Surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease : Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication. XVth National Gastroenterolgy Congress, 12-16 September 1998, Lütfi Kırdar Congress Palace, İstanbul.

32. Ozmen V: Anal incontinence. Postgraduate Course on Benign Colo-rectal Disease. 23-24 October 1998, Pera Palas, İstanbul.

33.Ozmen V: Benign Breast Diseases. SSK Okmeydanı Education Hospital, 26October 1998, İstanbul.

34. Ozmen V, Akçal T, Ünal G (Moderator:Metin Ünal): Approaches to Nonpalpable Breast Cancer. Continuing educational meetings on breast cancer, 24 December 1998, Swiss Hotel, İstanbul.

35.Ozmen V: Surgical management of Esophageal Cancer. Institute of Oncology, İstanbul University, 8 January 1999, İstanbul.

36.Özmen V: Surgical Management of Non-palpable Breast Cancer. İstanbul Oncology Group 2nd Consensus Conference. 26-28 February 1999, Klassis Hotel, Silivri.

37.Özmen V: Cancer: Screening and Prevention. İstanbul Technical University 7 April 1999, İstanbul.

38.Özmen V: Non-palpable breast cancer: Diagnosis and surgery. 5th National Breast Cancer Congress, 7-10 April 1999, İstanbul.

39.Özmen V: Breast Cancer and new surgical procedures and approaches. 16th Regional Surgical Congress. 16-22 May 1999, Fantasia Hotel, Kuşadası.

40.Özmen V (Konferans Başkanı), Ara Darzi(Konuşmacı): Hiatal hernias, comparison of laparoscopic repair to conventional surgey). 4th Postgraduate Course on Benign Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum. 22-23 October 1999, Eresin Hotel, İstanbul.

41.Ozmen V:Acute erosive gastritis and surgical management of peptic ulcer. 4th Postgraduate Course on Benign Diseases of Esophagus, Stomach and Duodenum. 22-23 October 1999, Eresin Hotel, İstanbul.

42.Ozmen V(Moderatör), Balcı P, Roditi A, Canda T, Özdedeli E: Diagnosis of breast cancer: Difficult cases. İzmir Breast Society 22 December 1999, İzmir.

43.Ozmen V(Moderatör), İğci A, Topuz E: Interactive case presentations. Istanbul Breast Study Group, Hilton Hotel, 22 February 2000, İstanbul.

44.Ozmen V(Moderatör:Avcı C): Laparoscopic surgery for hiatal hernia and stomach. 4th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 3-6 April, 2000, İstanbul.

45.Ozmen V: Cancer Week: Cancer, early diagnosis and treatment. Education of women: conferences. Esenler, Istanbul Municipal Organization. 5 April 2000.

46.Ozmen V: Sentinel lymph node biopsy. 5th Aegan University Oncology Days, 7-8 April 2000, İzmir.

47.Ozmen V: Breast Conserving Surgery in Turkey. The Annual Meeting of Japanese Breast Cancer Society , May 11-12, 2000, Yokohama, Japan.

48.Ozmen V : Locally advanced breast cancer and breast consrving surgery. 2nd Breast Cancer Consensus Conferences. Gülhane Military Medical Academy, 26 Mayıs 2000, GATA, Ankara.

49.Ozmen V: Techniques of anastomosis in colorectal surgery. 5th Postgraduate course on colorectal diseases. 20-21 October 2000, İstanbul.

50.Ozmen V: Surgical management of recurrent gastric cancer. 1st National Oncology Congress. 26-28 October 2000, Antalya.

51.Ozmen V: Locally advanced breast cancer and surgery. Dicle University-Astra Zeneca Oncology Meeting. 6 November 2000, Diyarbakır.

52.Ozmen V, Topuz E, Engin K(Oturum Başkanları): New approaches to the management of breast cancer. Uludağ University Vth. Uludağ Onkology Symposium, 17-19 November 2000, Bursa.

53.Ozmen V: Sentinel lymph node biopsy and results. Continuous Educational Meetings on Breast Cancer. 15 February 2001, Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel, İstanbul.

54.Ozmen V: What is in the surgical treatment of breast cancer. (Moderatör;E Topuz). XIVth National Cancer Congress, 30 April-4 May 2001, Crowne Plaza, İstanbul.

55.Ozmen V : Case presentation. İstanbul Breast Study Group Interactive Case Presentations, Hilton Hotel 29 May 2001, İstanbul.

56.Ozmen V : The assesment and importance of surgical margins in breast conserving surgery. (R.Holland:Chair) 1st Congress of the World Society for Breast Health September 22-25, 2001, ICEC, İstanbul, Turkey.

57.OzmenV: Surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease(Moderator: Akyüz A). 6th Postgraduate Course on Gastrointestinal System, 19-20 October 2001, Crowne Plaza, İstanbul.

58.Ozmen V: Surgical management of breast cancer. Haydarpaşa Nümune Education Hospital, 18 January 2002, İstanbul.

59.Ozmen V: Management of breast cancer and Sentinel lymph node biopsy. Trakya University Medical Faculty 15 March 2002, Edirne.

60.Ozmen V : Surgical management of breast cancer: Sentinel lymph node biopsy and mammary interna lymph node biopsy. Institute of Oncology of İstanbul University Onkology Days “ 1st New approaches to cancer symposium” 4-7 April 2002, Silivri, İstanbul

61.Ozmen V : Laparoscopic anti-reflux techniques and indications of surgery in GERD. 5th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 22-25 April 2002, İstanbul.

62.Ozmen V: Laparoscopic splenectomy, “Live Surgery”, Moderatör:Vahit Özmen, Dr.Amir Szold, Tel Aviv University, . 5th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 22-25 April 2002, İstanbul.

63.Ozmen V: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (Lecture). 12th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, October 30 – November 2, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey.

64.Ozmen V: Case presentations(Discussant). Continuous Educational Meetings on Breast Cancer. 15 November 2002, Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel, İstanbul.

65.Ozmen V: “Sentinel lymph node biopsy”, surgical management of early stage breast cancer. National Consensus Conferences. 18-22 December 2002, Antalya.

66.Ozmen V: Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Blue dye technique, and results. 7th Postgraduate Course on Breast Diseases, 18 January 2003, Istanbul.

67.Ozmen V:Surgical margins and predictors of local recurrence after breast conserving surgery. 2nd Congress of The World Society for Breast Health, Budapest, Hungary, 24-28, June 2003.

68.Ozmen V: Breast cancer in Turkey. 2nd Congress of The World Society for Breast Health, Budapest, Hungary, 24-28, June 2003.

69.Ozmen V:Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and GERD. Avant Garde Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of GI Diseases, Athens, September 18-20, 2003.

70.Ozmen V:Laparoscopic Splenectomy. Avant Garde Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of GI Diseases, Athens, September 18-20, 2003.

71.Ozmen V:Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Technique and results. 2nd National Surgical Oncology Congress, 1-4 October 2003, Istanbul.

72.Ozmen V: Surgical treatment of GERD. Diseases of Upper Gastrointestinal System, 8th Postgraduate Course on Gastrointestinal Diseases, 10-11 October 2003, İstanbul.

73.Ozmen V: The effect of micrometastases on local and systemic failure of breast cancer. VIIth National Breast Cancer Congress, 16-19 October 2003, Antalya.

74.Ozmen V: Last developments of surgical treatment of breast cancer. VIIth National Breast Cancer Congress, 16-19 October 2003, Antalya.

75.Ozmen V: Laparoscopic treatment of GERD. 2nd Mediterranean Laparoscopic Congress, 22-25 October 2003, İstanbul.

76.Ozmen V: Laparoscopic splenectomy. 2nd Mediterranean Laparoscopic Congress, 22-25 October 2003, İstanbul.

77.Ozmen V: New developments in the treatment of breast cancer. Mayo Clinic and Istanbul Medical Faculty Continuing Medical Education Program, 27 October 2003, Istanbul.

78.Ozmen V: Difficult patients with breast cancer. Moderator: A Öber, 19 February 2004, Ceylan Intercontinental, İstanbul.

79.Ozmen V : What’s new in breast cancer surgery and 3rd generation aromatase inhibitors. Kocaeli University School of Medicine, 5 March 2004, Kocaeli.

80.Ozmen V : New developments in the treatment of breast cancer. Florence Nightingale Hospital, 31 March 2004, İstanbul.

81.Özmen V : Sentinel lymph node biopsy. Annual Congress of Turkish Surgical Society 2004, 26-30 May 2004, Belek, Antalya.

82.Özmen V : Gastroesophageal reflux disease and laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication (Conferance). Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich Medical Faculty, Munich 24-27 June 2004.

83.Ozmen V: Sentinel lymph node biopsy and breast cancer. Bursa Society of Breast Diseases, 25 September 2004, Bursa.

84.Ozmen V: Sentinel lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer and current controversies. National Surgical Conference with foreign participation. Bulgarian Surgical Society. September 30 – October 3, 2004, Varna, Bulgaria.

85.Ozmen V: Surgical Margins and predictors of local recurrens after breast conserving surgery. National Surgical Conference with foreign participation. Bulgarian Surgical Society. September 30 – October 3, 2004, Varna, Bulgaria.

86.Ozmen V: New trends in the treatment of breast cancer. Haseki Educational Hospital, November 17, 2004., Istanbul.

87.Ozmen V : Breast cancer and its management. Continuing Education for Breast Cancer. November 24, 2004 Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel, Istanbul.

88.Ozmen V : Psychiatry in surgical oncology . 7th National Congress of Consultation and Liason Psychaitry. December 2-4, Istanbul 2004.

89.Özmen V: Breast conserving surgery in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. 9th Postgraduate course on breast cancer. 24-25 December 2004, İstanbul.

90.Özmen V: Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer. 9th Postgraduate course on breast cancer. 24-25 December 2004, İstanbul.

91.Ozmen V: Breast cancer early detection and treatment guidelines in countries with limited resources. Global Summit on Breast Health Consensus Conference. NIH, WHO, NCI supported. January 12-15, 2005, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

92.Özmen V: Breast cencer screening programs. National Cancer Week with International Participants. 4-6 April 2005, Hilton, Ankara.

93.Özmen V: Breast cancer and changes in the surgical treatment of axilla. 19.03.2005, Kocaeli.

94.Özmen V. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in early breast cancer : Current controversies. 3rd Congress of World Society for Breast Health (WSBH), 21-24 April 2005, Keio Plaza Tokyo, Japan.

95.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer Registry in Balkan Countries. 3rd Congress of World Society for Breast Health (WSBH), 21-24 April 2005, Keio Plaza Tokyo, Japan.

96.Özmen V: Menopause, hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer. Florence Nightingale Hastanesi. 4 Mayıs 2005.

97.Ozmen V. Changing Paradigms in the treatment of Breast Cancer: Surgical Oncologist’s perspective: Opening Lecture. 4th Medical Scientific Conference. 5-7 May 2005, Pleven, Bulgaria.

98.Özmen V: Complications of laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication. 1st National Hernia Congress. 19-24 May 2005, Capadocia, Nevşehir-Turkey.

99.Özmen V: Breast conserving surgery and sentinel lymph node biopsy “Current Controversies”. Monthly Meeting of Istanbul Surgical Society. 15 June 2005, İstanbul.

100.Özmen V: DCIS and surgical approaches. VIIIth National Breast Cancer Congress , 21-24 September, 2005, İstanbul-Turkey.

101.Özmen V: Blue dye sentinel lymph node biopsy. Postgraduate course on Breast Cancer Surgery. VIIIth National Breast Cancer Congress (Course Director), 21-24 September, 2005, İstanbul-Turkey.

102.Ozmen V: Breast health care in Turkey. VIIIth National Breast Cancer Congress , 21-24 September, 2005, İstanbul-Turkey.

103.Ozmen V: Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery. European Society of Surgery 9th Annual Conference. 10-12 November 2005, Vienna, Austria.

104.Ozmen V: New approaches to surgical treatment of breast cancer. 30th Anniversary fo Uludağ University 25-27 October 2005.

104.Ozmen V: Breast cancer screening and registry in Turkey. National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting. 2 December 2005, Ankara.

106.Özmen V. New approaches to treatment of breast cancer. Vakıf Gureba Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 6 January 2006, İstanbul.

107.Özmen V: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and morbid obesity, anatomic variations, and gallbladder polyps and gallbladder cancer. 1st Postgraduate Course on Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 16-20 January, 2006-İSTEM-İstanbul.

108.Özmen V: What’s new in the treatment of breast cancer? Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 27 January 2006, İstanbul.

109.Özmen V: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and morbid obesity, anatomic variations, and gallbladder polyps and gallbladder cancer. 2nd Postgraduate Course on Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 20-24 February, 2006-İSTEM-İstanbul.

110.Özmen V: Breast cancer and its management. Continuing Education for Breast Cancer. February 23, 2006, Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel, Istanbul.

111.Ozmen V. Breast cancer screening programs in Turkey. 2nd National Cytopathology Congress, March 4-7, 2007, Kusadasi, Izmir, Turkey.

112.Özmen V. Özofagus ve Mide kanseri cerrahi tedavisindeki yenilikler. 2. Uludağ Üniversitesi Cerrahide Yanilikler Kongresi 8-11 Mart 2007, Bursa.

113.Özmen V. Meme kanseri tedavisindeki yenilikler. 2. Uludağ Üniversitesi Cerrahide Yanilikler Kongresi 8-11 Mart 2007, Bursa.

114.Özmen V. Türkiye’de meme kanseri erken tanı ve tarama projeleri. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanser Haftası. 1-7 Nisan 2007, Ankara.

115.Özmen V. Meme kanseri tedavisinde aksillaya yaklaşım (Video). Devlet Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastaneleri 2. Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitim Kursu. 7 Haziran 2007, Şişli EAH İstanbul.

116.Ozmen V. Locally advanced breast cancer and surgery. Bolu Conferences. June 22-24, 2007. Bolu.

117.Ozmen V. What is new in Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? and treatment options. Postgraduate Course for Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia. 8th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, July 4, 2007, Antalya.

118.Ozmen V. Pathophysiology of GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus. Postgraduate Course for Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia. 8th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, July 4, 2007, Antalya.

119.Ozmen V. Laparoscopic surgery for GERD. 111.Ozmen V. What is new in Gastroesophageal reflux disease? and treatment options. Postgraduate Course for Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia. 8th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, July 4, 2007, Antalya.

120.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey and in the World: Opening Conference. 9th National Breast Cancer Congress. September 4-9, 2007.

121.Özmen V: Early Detection Panel. The Breast Health Global Initiative. 1-4 October 2007, Budapest, Hungary.

122.Ozmen V: Sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer: Current controversies. The 4th Congress of the World Society for Breast Health. October 18-21, 2007, Tianjin, China.

123.Ozmen V: Breast cancer “What is new in breast surgery ? Visiting Professor, University of Pleven Medical School. 21-23 November 2007, Pleven, Bulgaria.

124.Ozmen V: Surgical treatment of Oesophageal cancer. Visiting Professor, University of Pleven Medical School. 21-23 November 2007, Pleven, Bulgaria.

125.Ozmen V: Surgical Manangement of Hereditary Breast Cancer. 6th Istanbul University Oncology Institute Days. November 29 – December 2, 2007, Silivri, Istanbul.

126.Ozmen V. Internal Mammarian Lymph Node Biopsy in early breast cancer. December 12, 2007, UPMC Magee Women Hospital, Visiting Professor, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

127.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey and in world. National Surgical Congress 2008, May 28-31, 2008, Antalya.

128.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey (Opening Conference). 2nd Uludag Oncology Days June 28-29, 2008, Bursa.

129.Ozmen V. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer. Oncology Days of Uludag University. November 14-15, 2008. Bursa.

130.Ozmen V. Sentinel lymph node biopsy “Current controversies”. Ankara Oncology Hospital, November 19, 2008, Ankara.

131.Ozmen V. New trends in breast cancer surgery. 1st National Psycooncology Congress, December 3-5, 2008, Macka, Istanbul.

132.Ozmen V. Can guidelines for Breast Cancer Control in developing Countries Improve Outcome? INCTR’s (International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research ) 8th Meeting, 23-24 March 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

133.Ozmen V. Breast cancer screening programmes in Turkey. National Cancer week of Turkey, 1-2 April 2009, Ankara.

134.Ozmen V. How we increase the quality of surgical treatment of breast cancer in Turkey? 1st Cukurova General Surgery Days and Spring Meeting, 9-11, April 2009, Adana.

135.Ozmen V.Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery. Eagen Surgical Congress 23-26, April, 2009.

136.Ozmen V. BHGI Education and Training Advisory Meeting: Advise on defining process, scope, content, and methodology for multidisciplinary Education and Training modular programs for physicians in low- and middle income countries (LMCs) to improve breast health outcomes. May 29, 2009, Orlando, USA, 2009.

137.Ozmen V. BHGI Global Summit Scientific Advisory Meeting: Global Summit on international breast health delivery. May 29, 2009, Orlando, USA, 2009.

138.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer in Turkey X. National Breast Cancer Congress, September 30 – October 04, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey.

139.Ozmen V. Breast cancer surgery. The 15th Annual Multidisciplinary Symposium on Breast Disease & The First International Breast Health Educational Program”, October 24-27, 2009, Cairo Egypt.

140.Ozmen V. Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication. Postgraduate Course of Laparoscopic Hiatus Surgery 9th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress October 28-31, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

141 .Ozmen V. HRT and Breast Cancer, Epidemiological Datas. Kadıköy Şifa Panel of Women Health 6, Current Approacheses at Menopause and Urogynecology November 18, 2009, Fenerbahçe Faruk Ilgaz Tesisleri, İstanbul, Turkey.

142.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer Surgery and Hormonotherapy. 13th Post Graduate Courses on Breast Cancer. Istanbul Medical Faculty December 11, 2009, İstanbul,Turkey.

143. Ozmen V. Course of Laparoscopic Anti Reflux Surgery. Istanbul Medical Faculty. Feburary 04- 05 2010, İstanbul, Turkey.

144. Ozmen V. SLND –Current Practises – Divisive Issues. Istanbul University Days of Oncology Institute, Breast Cancer Adjuvant Consensus Meeting, December 17 – 20, 2009 Grand Abant Hotel, Bolu, Turkey.

145.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer. 3 th International Oncology Days December 21-22, 2009, Ankara, Turkey.

146.Ozmen V. Breast Self Examination and Standarts of National Screening Programs, National Cancer Week, April1- 2, 2009, Ankara, Turkey.

147.Ozmen V., Eyüpoğlu E. (Directors) Course of Laparoscopic Hiatus Surgery 9th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress October 28-31, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

148.Ozmen V., Physiopathology of GOR Diseases and Barret Esophagus, 9th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress October 28-31, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

149.Ozmen V.,1st Operation – “Floppy” Nissen Fundoplication: Standart Technic, 9th National Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery Congress October 28-31, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

150.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer in Turkey, Surgery Days 3 and Breast Meeting Sprint 2010, April 1- 4 2010, Eskişehir

151.Ozmen V, Tireli M (Head of Session) Early, Local, Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer:
Case Presentations, Surgery Days 3 and Breast Meeting Sprint 2010, April 1- 4 2010, Eskişehir

152.Ozmen V., Breast cancer in Turkey: Screening, diagnosis and treatment.5th International Conference of Asian Pacific Cancer Organisation for Cancer Prevention / Bridging Continents for Cancer Control in Istanbul 3- 7 April 2010, İstanbul

153. Ozmen V. (Moderator) Breast Cancer Surgery and challenges to reach the quality in Turkey (Chairman). 17th National Surgerical Congress May 26- 29, 2010, Ankara, Turkey.

154.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey. Grand National Assembly of Turkey, 30 Haziran 2010, Ankara

155.Ozmen V (Moderator). Controversies in sentinel lymph node biopsy. XVIth International Congress of the S.I.S. 2010 Valencia. November 8-10, 2010.

156.Ozmen V. “SCREENING MAMMOGRAPHY” Should we delay onset to 50 years of age? 8th Mediterrenean Conference on Oncology “Innovations in Breast Cancer Management” 28-30 November 2010, Antalya, Turkey.

157.Ozmen V. Can guidelines for breast cancer screening and treatment improve breast cancer outcomes in low-middle income countries? EURAMA Congress Istanbul April 14-16 2011 Hotel Swissotel The Bosphorus – Istanbul.

158.Ozmen V. Controversial issues on Screening mammography. Breast Cancer Awareness Meeting, 21-22 June 2011, Izmir.

159.Ozmen V.Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Estee Lauder and The Society for Breast Health Meeting. October 5, 2011, Istanbul.

160.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey: Screening and early detection projects. 11th National Breast Cancer Congress. 6-9 October, 2011, Antalya.

161.Ozmen V. Screening Mammography in Turkey and Developed Countries: Countroversial Issues. 13th World Congress of International Psychooncology Congress, October 16-20, 2011, Antalya.

162.Ozmen V. Is Mammography Screening Still Valid? The 3rd Meeting of Asian National Cancer Center Alliance (ANCA). October 21-22, 2011, Istanbul.

163.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey and the world, and Activities of Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Societies. XVII. Specialists’ Education Assembly in Medicine, November 25-27, 2011, Ankara.

164.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer in Turkey, Pre-liminary Results of Mammographic Screening Project National Cancer Week collaboration with Cancer Control Department, Turkish Ministry of Health, April 1-4, 2012, Ankara.

165.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Screening in the world and Turkey. Okmeydanı Education and Research Hospital, May 2, 2012, Istanbul.

166.Ozmen V. The future of axillary lymph node dissection. Is the star disappeared? 18th National Surgical Congress, May 23-27, 2012, Izmir.

167.Ozmen V. Breast cancer and challenges in design and implementation of clinical trials in Turkey and low-middle income countries. 2nd Annual Achieving Clinical and Regulatory Excellence in Turkey, Middle East and Africa. June 11-14, 2012, Istanbul.

168.Ozmen V. Meme Kanserinde Epidemiyoloji Risk Faktörleri ve Korunma. 4.Uludağ Tıbbi Onkoloji Sempozyumu 28 Haziran – 1 Temmuz 2012, Kervansaray Termal Otel, Bursa.

169.Ozmen V. Surgical treatment of breast cancer after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). 17th World Congress on Breast Disease of Senologic International Societies. October 10-14, 2012. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

170.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey and the World. 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery, 22-24 November, 2012, Istanbul.

171.Ozmen V. Oncoplastic surgery for breast cancer. Antalya Breast Society, December 22, 2012, Antalya.

172.Ozmen V.Patients’ positions in oncology today. Hasta ve Hasta İletişimi Zirvesi, January 23-24, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

173.Ozmen V.Advances in surgical management of early breast cancer. Istanbul University Oncology Institute, March 29, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

174.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey. 17th National Cancer Congress. April 19-23, Antalya.

175.Ozmen V.Advances in breast cancer treatment. Karadeniz Technical University Meetings, May 11 Mayıs 2013, Trabzon, Turkey.

176.Ozmen V. Patients with breast cancer and difficulties in diagnoses and treatments. Life without cancer “Breast cancer awareness Meeting”. May 18 2013, Sivas, Turkey.

177.Ozmen V. How to avoid complications during laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery? 21st International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES), Vienna, Austria 19-22 June 2013.

178.Ozmen V. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD): Definition, clinical features, diagnostic methods, and Barrett’s esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux surgery (Postgraduate Course). 11th National Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgery Congress, October 2-6, Bodrum, Muğla.

179.Ozmen V. Complications of antireflux surgery. 11th National Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgery Congress, October 2-6, Bodrum, Muğla.

180.Ozmen V. Oncoplastic Surgery: Indications, Limitations. School of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Senologic International Society and Turkish Federation of Breast Diseases Societies, Course Directors: Vahit ÖZMEN, Atilla SORAN, 12th National Breast Cancer Congress, 24-27 October, 2013, Antalya.

181.Ozmen V. The Projects of Turkish Federation of Breast Disease Societies, and Delays in diagnosis and treatment in Turkey. 12th National Breast Cancer Congress, 24-27 October, 2013, Antalya.

182.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer Management. Koc University Campus, December 25, 2013.

183.Ozmen V.Delays in Diagnosis and Treatment in Patients with Breast Cancer in Low-Middle income Countries and Turkey. 19th National Surgical Congress, April 16-20, 2014, Antalya.

184.Ozmen V. Breast cancer : new developments. Marmara University, Communication Faculty, Istanbul. May 15, 2014.

185.Ozmen V. Breast cancer and management. Marmara University Schoolof Medicine, Department of Surgery, Pendik, Istanbul, 28 May 2014.

186.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey: Projects for awareness. Breast Cancer Awareness of Public Meeting. May 29-31 2014, Samsun.

187.Ozmen V. Breast cancer treatment delay in Turkey. Farklı yönleri ile meme kanseri sempozyumu, Colossae Hotel, Pamukkale. 26-28 Haziran 2014.

189.Ozmen V.Breast cancer awareness and projects in Turkey. Meme Kanseri Hasta Kongresi, Antalya Kültür Merlezi, 28-29 Haziran 2014, Antalya.

190.Ozmen V. Meme Kanserinde Türkiye’de neredeyiz? Breast Symposium Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University & American Society of Breast Disease (ASBD) Collaboration, May 30-31, 2014 Samsun TURKEY.

191.Ozmen V. Case Discussion. Early Breast Cancer Treatment. 13 September, 2014. Liv Hospital.

192.Ozmen V. “Breast Reconstruction; Demand Urges the Necessity”. “International Istanbul Breast Cancer Conference – BREASTANBUL 2014” 30 September – 02 October 2014, Istanbul – TURKEY.

193.Ozmen V. What has been learned from a BC screening program in a developing country; Bahcesehir study from Turkey. SIS 18th World Congress on Breast Health, October 16-19, 2014, Orlando, USA.

194.Ozmen V. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of pts with BC: A multinational survey study. SIS 18th World Congress on Breast Health, October 16-19, 2014, Orlando, USA.

195.Ozmen V. How to avoid complications during laporoscopic anti-reflux surgery. The XIV National Surgical Congress, 23 to 26 October 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria.

196.Ozmen V. Delay in treatment of breast cancer: A multinational study. The XIV National Surgical Congress, 23 to 26 October 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria.

197.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey. Turkish Ministry of Health-MECC Consensus Conference on Breast Cancer and Screening Programs Gurkent Hotel Ankara, Turkey, November 27-28, 2014.

198.Ozmen V (moderator). IMAG 14th Meeting, December 25, 2014, Istanbul.

199.Ozmen V. Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. 1st National Lymphology Congress, April 11-12, 2015, Marmara University.

200.Ozmen V. Surgery for breast cancer patients with BRCA mutations. 21th National Cancer Congress, April 22-26, 2015, Antalya.

201.Ozmen V. How to avoid complications of laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication. 12th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 22-26, 2015, Antalya, Turkey.

202.Ozmen V. 21-genes profiling. Individualized approaches to breast cancer: Molecular Oncology Symposium. 17.10.2015, Acibadem University, Atakent, Istanbul.

203.Ozmen V. Breast cancer in Turkey. 13th National Breast Congress, 21-25 October, 2015, Antalya.

204.Ozmen V. “Oncoplastic breast surgery”. Senologic International Society European Congress on Breast Cancer, 6th Congress of Croatian Senologic Soc,ety, October 22-25, 2015, Opatija, Croatia.

205.Ozmen V. “Breast Cancer Treament Delay in Low-Middle Income Countries”. 6th Congress of Croatian Senologic Soc,ety, October 22-25, 2015, Opatija, Croatia.

206.Ozmen V. Reconstructive surgery for breast cancer. American Hospital, 21 November 2015, Istanbul.

207.Ozmen V. Breast cancer update in Turkey. Konya Educational Hospital, 17-18 December, 2015, Konya.

208.Ozmen V. Breast conserving surgery with mini latissimus dorsi flap. 19th SIS World Congress on Breast Health Care and the National Congress of the Polish Society for Breast CancerResearch 2016. May 2-5, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

209. Ozmen V. Breast cancer treatment delay. 19th SIS World Congress on Breast Health Care and the National Congress of the Polish Society for Breast CancerResearch 2016. May 2-5, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

210.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer Problem in The World and Turkey. 5th Uludag Medical Oncology Symposium, 29-30 June, 2016.

211.Ozmen V. Breast cancer genetic profiling. 5th Uludag Medical Oncology Symposium, 29-30 June, 2016.

212.Ozmen, V. Changing paradigms in breast cancer surgery from Halsted radical mastectomy to oncoplastic surgery, 19th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare, 5-8 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland

213.Ozmen V, Breast conserving surgery with mini latissimus dorsi flap. 19th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare, 5-8 May 2016, Warsaw, Poland

214.Ozmen V. CURRENT PRACTICES FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SURGERY ASSOCIATED LYMPEDEMA. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress 2016, October 16-20, 2016. Washington DC, USA.

215.Ozmen V. Turkish case study-The Society of breast Health. September 15-16, 2017, Vienna.

216.Ozmen V. Patient advocacy groups in Policy Decisions. Central and Eastern Europe Cancer Action Group Summit. May 5, 2018, Amsterdam.

217.Ozmen V. Capacity building and patient engagement for patient advocacy groups. September 5-6, 2018, Vienna.

218.Breast cancer local surgery: today and tomorrow. The 20th World Congress of Senologic International Society on Healthcare, 5-8 December, 2018, Strasbourg, France.

219.Ozmen V. Features of surgical management after breast cancer neoadjuvant treatment. St. Petersburg International Oncology Forum, WHITE NIGHTS, JUNE, 20-23, 2019, St Petersburg, Russia

220.Ozmen V. Breast Cancer Local Treatment Today and Tomorrow. The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Breast Cancer Society, July 11-13, 2019, Tokyo, Japan